Emanuela Biancuzzi


CianographicSisters © was born from emotional and artistic effusion between Emanuela Biancuzzi and Debora Vrizzi.  Visual artists, they have been working together since 2007. They based their work exchange at distance, telepathy and introspective analysis.

This meeting – collision between sisters, produces and materializes an interior world, constantly developing.

Contents, representations, sceneries and projects born out of this association take the name of CianographicSisters in memory of our friend and partner Piermario Ciani prematurely passed away.


Video frames
A project for
Le Forbici di Manitù

Moving on refined musical coordinates (Mina and the Mind Invaders), the ghostly appearance of the CianographicSisters alters the perception of sounds and blurs the boundaries in a hallucinogenic atmosphere between radiographs and unexpected words. The clip is part of a DVD in which several independent video-artists and directors visualize the album Zona Minata (a simple lunch, 2019) by Le Forbici di Manitù & Friends, an experiment that contaminates Mina Mazzini’s classic repertoire with electronic and post-industrial experimentation.

Listen to “Insieme” by Le Forbici di Manitù »

PMC Talent Agency

No Title Le giornate della luce
Villa Savorgnan di Lestans
Pordenone 2017
Kunst Raum Villach
Villach, Austria 2016
72° Mostra Internazionale di Arte Cinematografica Venezia 2015
Maravee Corpus
Obalne Galerije
Galerija Loza Capodistria
Slovenia 2015
(A) Festival
Marano Lagunare
Udine 2015

Reference point for those who want to pursue a career in the cinema field, PMC Talent Agency elevates the game of metamorphosis to the level of artistic project by bridging the gap between the banal loneliness of home cinema and the group alienation of the multiplex, expanding the possibilities of projection of the vision beyond the limits of film and of the digital medium. “In staging the different characters, we infinitely multiply the potential of the interpretative act and we invent different identities built on scraps of experiences lived in a continuous multiplication of meaning”.

“…Emmett Best and Devo Vincente, founding partners and charismatic couple, both with outstanding artistic skills and an amazing creative background – Vincente is a photographer and director of photography in numerous film productions, Best is a skilled draftsman with important projects in publishing and cinema – choose to present for the first time some of their best performers to affirm a radical and urgent aesthetic renewal in the choices of the film industry…”

Q.B. Quanto Basta
In the artist’s places

video frames
Editing: Maria Fantastica Valmori
Design: Ramon Pez

Chi l’ha visto? Colonos
Villacaccia di Lestizza 2011


Video made using remote
telephone communication
as a linguistic subtrack
(Udine – Rome)
Video frames
Editing: Emanuele Flangini

Art Academy of Cincinnati
Ohio, USA, 2011;
VIII International Competition
for Composer
Teatro Giovanni da Udine 2010

The Story of CianographicSisters

Photographies, emotions
and obscure scenographies

Guido Iemmi Studio Arte
Milano 2008
Premio Arte Ingenua
Fondazione Brescia Musei 2008
Young International Contest
of Contemporary Art 2009


Work in progress from 2007
Images, interviews
and feelings on video
Editing and design: Ramon Pez
Contributors: Guido Scarabottolo, Massimo Giacon, Walter Bortolossi, Emanuela Biancuzzi, Ferruccio Giromini, Carlo Clocchiatti, Debora Vrizzi, Moreno Miorelli, Vittore Baroni, Giancarlo Martina, Antonio della Marina, Walter Criscuoli, Francesca Agostinelli, Roberto Vidali, Erika Ciani, Armida Ridolfo, Monica Faccio.

Chi l’ha visto? Colonos
Villacaccia di Lestizza 2011
Centro per le Arti Visive
Udine 2009
Stazione di Topolò
XIV Edizione 2007

Due sorelle cianotiche

Collage of images
and feelings on paper
Private collection

No Fun Gallery Udine 2007