Visual artist, she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice dealing with relational art, educational projects related to contemporary art, art education, cultural events, graphics and editorial illustration.
Her artistic production in a hallucinatory combination of inks, acrylics, collages and mixed media, mainly includes illustrations and images for publishing, illustrated albums, record covers, newspapers, periodicals, animated theme songs, scenography, underground comics.
From the anti-speciesist reflections of the Wolphy’s Wonderful World © artistic project – a visual translation of a ferocious animalist alternative universe that creates unexpected interferences between art and everyday life – in 2001 she created the FUN – Funtastic United Nations project with P. Ciani and V. Baroni to create a bridge between the most diverse creative geographical entities and to stimulate cooperation between imaginary worlds and countries. In 2006, with Debora Vrizzi, she gave birth to CianographicSisters © a versatile and experimental duo that develops sharing experiences applied to creativity.
From 1994 to today she has participated in over a hundred exhibitions. She has exhibited in France, Spain, Greece, Croatia, Austria, Slovenia, Serbia and in many Italian cities publishing, among others, for AAA-Edizioni, Stripburger, Kite Edizioni, Le Forbici di Manitù, VivaComix, Coconino Press, Penguin Random H. Barcelona, Editions Passpartout.